June 16, 2025
Come enjoy an afternoon of golf, food, & fun while supporting a great cause.
What: GOLF TOURNAMENT to help feed the need.
When: Monday, June 17th, registration & lunch open at 11am, shotgun start at 1pm, dinner & awards at the end of play (~5:30pm).
Where: At the beautiful Corning Country Club
Why: All proceeds benefit Corning Meals on Wheels' homebound seniors!
Tournament Sponsors help feed the need! We'd love to showcase you, your businesses, & organizations in this year's tournament. See our many sponsorship opportunities here (Brochure) and in the shopping cart below.
Tournament Sponsor
Level II Tournament Sponsor
Lunch Sponsors
Joanne Herman
Dinner Sponsors
Rich & Audrey Graham
Joanne Herman
Cart Sponsors
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Stan & Marge Solsky in memory of Thomas Coupe
Longest Drive Sponsors
Beer Sponsors
Tom Lane
Hole Sponsors
The Pappas Family
Josie Stampp and Mizzy Misuraca in Memory of Homer Stampp
Truax’s Tannenbaum Farm
In Kind Contributors